Lake Wobegon

  • 网络乌比冈湖效应;沃比冈湖;沃伯根湖
Lake WobegonLake Wobegon
  1. We want to live in Lake Wobegon where every child is above average ,


  2. And the Lake Wobegon effect in psychology involves a systematic bias to see ourselves as better than average .


  3. This has been called the " Lake Wobegon effect " based on Garrison Keillor 's story about a place where all the children are above average .


  4. Many students nonetheless express optimism , though perhaps that is simply the Lake Wobegon effect : They might believe they 're all above-average after years of positive reinforcement from their parents .


  5. But this can trigger the Lake Wobegon effect , where , as in Garrison Keillor 's fictional town , everyone wants to be paid above average .


  6. It was like some warped version of Garrison Keillor 's Lake Wobegon , " where all the women are strong , all the men are good looking and all the children are above average . "
